Thursday, March 14, 2013

Headaches and Teething (and Teething Headaches!)

It's  kind of funny that I'm writing about both of these. I was answering some family members' questions about these two topics, and I realized that they kind of go hand in hand, because sometimes headaches are caused by teething babies! Anyway, I thought it was funny. 

So, let's start with babies! Because if your baby's teething is causing the headache, maybe we'll fix it here. 

Well, there are a few things I would try. First, the best oil for babies is Lavender, in my opinion. It can help bring down a fever, which sometimes babies have while teething, it can soothe and calm a crying baby and help him to sleep. Lavender is my go-to for my own baby.

The next oil is Serenity. This is a blend by DoTerra that has several oils in it. It's usually used to help a baby sleep better, and often that means he'll sleep a bit longer. 

Roman Chamomile is another good one, which will help ease the pain (this is in Serenity). 

If you want to help with the pain the number one oil for that is the Deep blue blend. It's more expensive, because of the ingredients, but it's well worth it. DH (Dear hubby) used it after his jaw surgery and it worked better than the meds they gave him. 

WARNING AND APPLICATION: I would NOT put any of these oils in your baby's mouth. They aren't toxic, but they can be strong sometimes, even for adults, and a baby just isn't ready for it. DoTerra actually suggests not letting your child ingest essential oils until age 5 or 6, before that, applying topically is your best bet. The Deep Blue I would always dilute on a baby's skin--using fracionated coconut oil (this is just liquid coconut oil. Normally, coconut oil  is solid at room temperatures) or regular olive oil works great--use about a drop per tablespoon or two. The Deep blue I would rub on your baby's jaw line, a small amount, and that would probably ease the pain. Put the lavender and/or Serenity behind his ears and on the bottoms of his feet. You could also put the diluted Deep blue on his feet. Hope that helps with the teething! I haven't tried it out yet (baby is too young to be teething), so if you try it, let me know in the comments what worked for you!


Everyone gets these. They're extremely common. 

Headaches are tricky beasts because they have so many causes. Stress, tension, sickness, low blood sugar, dehydration, etc. I always try to drink more water while I have a headache, and sometimes that's enough to make it go away. For low blood sugar, eat! And make it wholesome. Too much sugar can cause headaches, as well as not enough of the right nutrients (try protein-rich foods and good fats). Too much alcohol should definitely be avoided (in my neck of the woods, we just avoid it altogether). For stress and tension headaches I would suggest several oils. 

The basic ones are Lavender and Peppermint. Lavender is warming and relaxing, while peppermint is cooling (it feels like icy hot, if you've ever used that). These are among the least expensive oils, and they can both be used for A LOT of different things, not just headaches. Having these two on hand is always a good idea. 

Another fantastic essential oil is actually a blend made specially by DoTerra. It's called Past Tense. I had a friend in one of my classes who complained of tension and headaches and we had her put some on during the class. By the end (about 30 minutes later) she could already feel her muscles relaxing, the tension melting away.
A very painful headache would benefit from another blend, Deep Blue. This is the one DH used this one on his jaw when he had his jaw surgery, and it worked better at dealing with the pain than his heavy pain meds. Plus he could use it whenever he wanted, instead of waiting six hours between doses! So this one could also help, especially migraines or chronic headaches. 
Rosemary and Basil essential oils are also relaxing, with woody, calming scents.

APPLICATION: put it where it hurts! For headaches I put it on my neck (all over the back), my shoulders, my temples and forehead. You could even have your wife give your head a thorough massage.  You can also diffuse it in the air if you have a diffuser. I don't know if you use DoTerra, but you ought to! I've done my research, and they truly are the purest and best. To get good results you need to be sure your essential oils don't have ANY fillers, and unfortunately, the standard for "100% theraputic grade" isn't very high. 

Oh, and you can never overdose on essential oils, so apply them every FIVE MINUTES if you want to! And, as a note, you might need to. They're not a perfect, magic solution that works in an instant. Sometimes that happens, especially with stress relieving oils, but most of the time it takes multiple, frequent applications. 

Ask your questions!

**NOTE: I am not a doctor, blah blah blah, don't sue me if you get it in your eyes and your eyeballs disintegrate. (Okay, the won't disintegrate, I promise. But don't put it in your eyes! And be smart. And don't sue me.)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Healing Eczema with Essential Oils

Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor. So these suggestions are not intended to diagnose or fix all your problems. I also do NOT have eczema, but I DO believe in the healing power of essential oils. When the purest essential oils are used, they are not dangerous and in most cases you will not experience any side effects except healing! At the worst, essential oils burn or tingle but cause no lasting damage. At the best they are capable of miracles. So, if you have eczema or know someone who does, try these things out, share them with others. No harm will come by testing, and if you discover something that works, let me know!

I use DoTerra essential oils now because they are guaranteed 100% pure, theraputic grade, organic, and free of any fillers, pesticides, or synthetics. They are the BEST. I didn't used to think so, but now I'm 99% sure that these are worth the price, and nothing else is.

That said, here are some remedies to try (for those without eczema, all of these oils are great for any skin irritation, from acne to sunburn to scrapes and bruises-so try them out!)

Recommended oils:

Lavender—This is probably the BEST oil you can use to soothe your skin. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, calming, and normalizing properties. Relieves itching and swelling. It also supports immune health, and is extremely beneficial for alleviating stress, which is the number one cause for eczema.

Chamomile—also calming and anti-inflammatory, this peace-inducing oil is another good pick and it blends well with Lavender (as well as most other oils).

Geranium—balancing, relaxing, normalzing, and anti-inflammatory. Also induces a peaceful, joyful mood. One of the best oils for relieving itchiness.

Frankincense—commonly referred to as “liquid gold” frankincense is one of the most incredible essential oils. Not only is it anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-depressant, but it also enhances the effects of any oil it is paired with, making it stronger and more effective. This oil tends to be expensive, but it is well worth the cost. It can be used for any ailment, and blends well with any scent.

Bergamot—said to be the best for healing weeping eczema, this oil is energizing and fresh, while simultaneously calming the nerves and encouraging focus. Its anti-septic properties will keep the area clean and healthy. Use in combination with Frankincense to heal weeping eczema.

Myrrh—calms inflammation, anti-septic, and relaxing. A great oil to blend with Frankincense when treating eczema.

Clary Sage—anti-inflammatory, soothing and relaxing with a gentle woody scent.

Tea Tree—the best cleansing oil out there, Tea Tree (also known as Melalueca) oil protects against infection. It is also anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Blend any combination of the above oils with an oil that is high in omega-3s, such as almond, apricot kernel, avocado, or evening primrose (olive or coconut oil may also be used) and rub directly on the problem areas three times a day or whenever relief is needed. Or add desired blend to a cup of milk or cream and pour into a warm bath and soak for approximately 30 minutes. As always, the aromatherapy provided by these blends can also bring relief, mainly through relieving stress.

Happy Healing!


Let me start by saying that I'm horrible at blogging. I have started no fewer than five blogs, all with the intent to make it a huge part of my life. Most of those have about two posts, and no more. And yet, I'm a writer...don't ask me how that works. I guess I forget. Well, this time will be different! So let's get started, shall we?

This blog is all about my adventures in becoming the healer of my family using essential oils and herbs. Why? Because I believe that having the ability to heal myself and my family will be a blessing to us and those around us. Some of you might ask, why use BOTH essential oils and herbs? Don't they do the same things? Wouldn't it be a waste of time and money and other resources? I would argue no. First of all, my goal in learning to use these things is, in part, to gain the ability to heal my family without relying on anyone else to supply the goods. This means that in an emergency, unless I've done an insane job stocking up (and just a hint, I'm TERRIBLE at this), I might not have access to all the essential oils I would need. But if I can learn to identify and properly use local herbs (or herbs I can grow myself) in an emergency my family would be taken care of, at least to a certain extent.

Also, as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I've been taught that gaining knowledge is the most valuable use of time (besides being a mother) during my stay here on this earth. It's the only thing I can take with me in addition to my eternal family. The education system, while good in its own right, has not been my favorite way to learn. But with the power of technology and the virtue of a good library, I have the power to CHOOSE what I want to learn, what I have passion about, and then learn it!

Herbs and essential oils fulfill these purposes for me, and I love learning about them. I also want a place to share what I know, to help others learn with me, and talk to myself, basically.

If you follow my blog you might have to remind me to write sometimes. Because lack of writing does not mean lack of learning, and I want to share these things with you. Plants are a gift from our loving Heavenly Father, and He desires for us to use them.

Happy Healing!