Sunday, March 10, 2013


Let me start by saying that I'm horrible at blogging. I have started no fewer than five blogs, all with the intent to make it a huge part of my life. Most of those have about two posts, and no more. And yet, I'm a writer...don't ask me how that works. I guess I forget. Well, this time will be different! So let's get started, shall we?

This blog is all about my adventures in becoming the healer of my family using essential oils and herbs. Why? Because I believe that having the ability to heal myself and my family will be a blessing to us and those around us. Some of you might ask, why use BOTH essential oils and herbs? Don't they do the same things? Wouldn't it be a waste of time and money and other resources? I would argue no. First of all, my goal in learning to use these things is, in part, to gain the ability to heal my family without relying on anyone else to supply the goods. This means that in an emergency, unless I've done an insane job stocking up (and just a hint, I'm TERRIBLE at this), I might not have access to all the essential oils I would need. But if I can learn to identify and properly use local herbs (or herbs I can grow myself) in an emergency my family would be taken care of, at least to a certain extent.

Also, as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I've been taught that gaining knowledge is the most valuable use of time (besides being a mother) during my stay here on this earth. It's the only thing I can take with me in addition to my eternal family. The education system, while good in its own right, has not been my favorite way to learn. But with the power of technology and the virtue of a good library, I have the power to CHOOSE what I want to learn, what I have passion about, and then learn it!

Herbs and essential oils fulfill these purposes for me, and I love learning about them. I also want a place to share what I know, to help others learn with me, and talk to myself, basically.

If you follow my blog you might have to remind me to write sometimes. Because lack of writing does not mean lack of learning, and I want to share these things with you. Plants are a gift from our loving Heavenly Father, and He desires for us to use them.

Happy Healing!

1 comment:

  1. You're so smart, my friend. I would love to learn with you. I wanted to go to your party, but I had prior commitments. This is a great idea. I'll try to remind you to keep up your blog. I update mine pretty regularly, but no one reads it. I'll try to let you know that I read yours so you have a reason to keep it going. :D
